Aldershot Mobility Hub Concept V2

Aldershot Mobility Hub V2 concept - Aldershot Grand Development
Principles at work:
1) Require the density to expand entertainment opportunities.
2) Create continuous pedestrian spaces (shown in brown) and continuous biking spaces (show in black).
3) Black path is a 10 foot wide biking path with two 5 foot lanes in each direction.
4) Keep high buildings away from existing developments.
5) Provide ample surface parking for vibrant business so all users can access areas.
6) Create pedestrian squares with space for restaurant patios and city functions. (These areas to be owned by city.)
Add large public square with large flat water feature.
Freeze in winter for skating area.
Restaurants located in area and can use ground for patios in summer.
City will own and operate pedestrian area.
Large public open air pool added with park as amenity.
Trail would be added the adjacent woods.
Buildings are stepped up with largest buildings near tracks and Watertown Road.
Smallest buildings are near Hidden valley and existing neibourhoods.
Greg Woodruff